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player detail

first name Oliver
last name Myer
player? yes
referee? no
other? no
height 7' 2"
weight 120 lbs
date of birth
Home town Montgomery, VT
status ACTIVE

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Four score and 28 years ago, a man was born high up on Mount Rushmore.  He shot out of George Washington's nostril as the President's only snot rocket and landed on a lone patch of the devil's lettuce.  This is where he spoke his first words ... "ankle bender".

From that point on, he knew he was a hockey player.  As a young child he often frolicked in corn fields which gave way to the nickname 'cornhole myer".

After a brief stint with the Montpelier Solons, he started taking PED's.  The PED's massive growth in unexpected areas and would soon provide an opportunity for career advancement.  While at a small get together in Los Angeles, California he met a producer named Billly Balls which led him to become the well known porn star "Ronald Mcfondled."  After doing a set in Boston, Massachusetts he met a boy named Shlong Thompson who was hard at work as the local fluffer.  Shlong proceeded to invite him to play on the newly formed Waterbury Wings, the Red Wings farm team.

The rest is as they say... History.